
Join A Team

Serving in church isn’t just about filling a role that needs to be filled.

Studies have shown the best way to meet people and develop friendships in church is through being on a serving team with other people. Not only does serving help you get connected to new friends, but it is also a tangible way to help others see how Jesus can make an impact through normal, everyday things like greeting at a door, serving coffee, teaching kids, or one of a dozen other ways that fit your passion and personality.

God’s Church is made up of many people, all with different giftings and talents. Each gifting and talent have all been given so that we may respond to God in the mission He’s laid before us: to glorify Him and to love His people.

If you have a passion for building God’s Church, you have a place at Flatiron. If you love teaching kids and their families about Jesus, you have a place at Flatiron. If you enjoy connecting with new people who have never heard the good news of Jesus, you have a place at Flatiron. And if you have yet to discover what your gifting and talents are, you have a place at Flatiron.

Join a team at Flatiron Church to grow in the giftings that God has given you all while creating lasting friendships with the people around you. We are all part of the body of Christ, let us work together to make His name known and grow stronger in community.

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